Complete Success Guarantee (CSG)
In an effort to provide all of our valued customers with the best possible service, we have established the following Complete Success Guarantee (CSG). As a written guarantee, the CSG does not replace, but is in addition to any product specific guarantee. This page must be printed, completed, signed and accompany all refund or credit requests.
Guide or (Guide and Software) Return Policy:
If you are dissatisfied with the guide (or guide and software combination) purchased from us, you may return all of the materials in an undamaged condition within 60 days for a refund or one-time credit toward the purchase of another item. Damaged items will not be accepted for refund or credit. No return authorization is required however, returns must be sent to the return address on the outer shipping envelope. Returns to any other address may not be accepted. All refund or one-time credit requests must be accompanied with applicable communication correspondence (e.g. letters, emails) whenever possible that demonstrate utilization after receipt of the system. Materials dated prior to purchase will not be accepted.
I certify that I, ______________________________ Customer’s First and Last Name
of _____________________________________________
Street or PO Box Address
____________________________ _____ _________ am hereby requesting a: refund / one-time City State Zipcode (please circle refund or one-time credit)
credit of my fee (less shipping and handling). I further state that starting on date: _____________________ Starting Date
and ending on date:
____________________ I have utilized the guide your system to the best of my abilities.
Therefore, I am returning all materials in an undamaged condition including including applicable communication correspondence (e.g. letters, emails) whenever possible.
from the State of _____ and respectfully request a refund / one-time credit of my fee less shipping and handling. State (please circle refund or one-time credit)
I further certify and state that I have read the Complete Success Guarantee (CSG) and understand its: Guide or (Guide and Software) Return Policy. I further understand that all bet slips returned become the property of Success Publishers LLC.
______________________________________ Customer’s Signature